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Model Work

 Let's see if we're a perfect fit for each other. 


Oprah Magazine

BilTema/Car Theme


This is a job for a reading app made by a Norwegian Dad who wanted his son, who is hard of hearing, to have fun while learning to read. Read about it HERE (choose language at the bottom of the page).

Kjipe Forelder/Av og Til

En jobb jeg gjorde for Kjipeforeldre.no nå kalt AvogTil.no -Vi jobber for godt alkovett i situasjoner der alkohol utgjør en risiko, eller kan være til ulempe for en selv og andre.

This job was for kjipeforelder.no (BuzzkillParents) now called AvogTil.no (Now and Then). It's about how to enjoy alcohol sensibly and how to talk to your children about alcohol.

Basically, it's about good alcohol sensibility in situations where alcohol poses a risk, or can be a disadvantage for yourself and others.

Canal Digital (nå Allente)

Disse bildene ble brukt til en Canal Digital reklame for bådeTV og print, dessverre husker jeg ikke hvem som var ansvarlig. De ble også brukt som reklame inne på Power butikkene

These pictures were taken from Canal Digital commerciael, but I never saw the commercial and I can't find it. The pictures were also used as print commeicials in a Power (A Norwegian electronic store)