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Her er noen av det jeg har vært med på. Har en CV fra statist.no nederst på siden.

Kiwi Reklame

En veldig morrsom og mettende reklame.

Fuck Fossils

“Fuck Fossils” er en norsk kortfilm om to tenåringer som sitter barnevakt, under en regnstorm i november 2050. Deres hverdag bærer vekten av klimaendringer og spørsmålet de stiller seg er om verden har klart å stoppe ved to-graders mål? Filmen er basert på rapporten “En fremtid du ikke vil ha...

"Fuck Fossils" is a Norwegian short film about two teenagers who are babysitting during a rainstorm in November 2050. Their everyday life bears the weight of climate change and the question they ask themselves is whether the world has managed to stop at the two-degree target? The film is based on the report "A future you don't want...

Pfizer Commercial

I don’t remember the date I did this commercial. Pfizer Commercial but it was fun.

Josh Taylor’s Prom Night

Dette er en Fundraising-promooppdatering (tror jeg) for Johs Taylors Prom Night en film av Anders Petterøe (Andy Pett) – Golden Touch Film

This is a Fundraising promo update (I think) for Johs Taylor’s Prom Night a film by Anders Petterøe (Andy Pett) – Golden Touch Film


Calanus is extracted from redfish (Calanus finmarchicus), which is a small jumping crayfish and is among the main food sources for herring and mackerel. There is a large amount of the antioxidant astaxanthin in the oil, which gives the red colour. The oil also contains long omega-3 fatty acids EPA (icopentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).


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